Each day will bring Fellowship, Worship, Devotions, Food, Teaching and Question and Answer time. The teaching times will be brought from 1st and 2nd Timothy by Pastor Kent with support from others at his church.
Sounds like a typical conference until you remember where this is being held. The church at Bois Neuf has been prepared for such a time as this and provides a wonderful place to gather. Marcel shared that this past week they have had no power, the internet powered at his house by a generator has been very intermittent at best and even while talking by phone tonight we were cut off three times. "Hotels" in this area are beyond what the locals can afford and there are very few any way. So the church community truly draws together as the body of Christ providing for the needs of the saints as He directs.
Please pray for the Lord to move in this conference, this is a powerful time of encouragement for the Evangelical community in Haiti.