Tuesday, October 22, 2013


“Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, ‘Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children’” (Deuteronomy 4:10).

As you watch the video, notice the sounds. Separated by a thin sheet, the sounds come from the classroom next door. These children don’t complain. At least they aren’t in the outside classroom without a chalkboard or walls. It’s not the ideal situation to educate, but it’s important for the children to learn even with distractions and without desks.

Some Haitian kids don’t have the funds to pay for school. Public education is not free in Haiti. It doesn’t use the gospel in its foundation. The poor quality often has parents looking elsewhere, or nowhere, and the child never learns to read or write or do math.

Hope for Haiti provides children with the opportunity to learn. Sponsoring a child gives the kiddo a uniform, a meal, and education: the chance to support themselves for a lifetime. The sponsorship also gives them the chance to hear God’s words so that they can learn to revere the Lord.

God recognizes the need for people to learn at a young age because it stays with them for the rest of their lives. He even encourages us to learn and grow too, so we can teach the younger generation.

Do you find yourself learning? Do you take the time to apply the lessons? Will the younger generation learn from your example? Consider sponsoring a child. Perhaps a younger person around you will also sponsor children when they see a picture of your sponsor child on your refrigerator. Perhaps your prayers will bolster the kids in this video to stay in school, even with the distractions. Perhaps your gift of education will inspire them to become teachers, live in the land, and teach their children about the goodness of our Father.

By Mollie

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 2013 News

It's happening!

     October 30th thru November 1st Leadership Conference will be in full swing. This year it will be held in the new building at Bois Neuf allowing the 400+ attendees to stretch out a bit. Want to see the new building and where it's at? Click here. Please remember to pray for the attendees who come from all over Haiti as well as the teachers.
     Travels to the states. Marcel traveled to Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Alabama visiting supporters and
friends along the way this past month. So many contribute in so many ways it's hard to report it all, so, just a
couple notes of interest for now.
     Churches in Colorado, Michigan and Alabama have made and are making it possible for the building at Bois Neuf to come together. Checking out the slideshow mentioned above with the realization that this just would not be possible were it not for the body of Christ all coming together, each with their giftings.
     A clinic in the mountains? Yes it has begun. For many years now it has been a desire of Marcel's heart to
be able to minister spiritually, emotionally and physically to the needs of those around him. From our standpoint the original clinics started not many years ago seemed to meet some very basic needs. When no health care is available even those basic needs are huge. Last month a building in the mountains became the newest addition for clinics. Much work both from stateside and in country all came together as the first (in this location) clinic was held as well as teaching for midwives. This coming week the second clinic will be held with more improvements to the building as it also becomes a place of refuge. If you would like to see some of the progress to date, click here. , here you will also find a link on the photo or title to a short video.
     Beyond the mountain clinic work continues to bring to completion a new church/school building. No big deal except that you reach this location by foot. This coming January plans are for a roof to be set in place. A church in Kansas and Tennessee have partnered with the folks there to encourage and walk with them,
marveling at all that God is doing. More on this may be seen by clicking here.
     Next year is filling up fast with groups from Kansas, Tennessee, Colorado and Alabama already in process looking at dates. Not to mention Camp Meeting in April and EMEVI's mission trip scheduled in August going to Belladere, Haiti. Just a couple photo’s, one from this year’s outreach in Gonaives. www.hopeforhaiti.ws