Thursday, January 28, 2010

Still Standing

Recovery continues and will for far longer than we may want to think about. This gate is a reminder of those still standing and the continued day to day needs that were there before and are still there now.
This past Saturday Marcel performed two weddings at Colmini and almost in the same breath he shared that he used his truck for funeral transportation. Yesterday Marcel's brother was scheduled for surgery, have not heard if that actually happened yet. 7 Churches still depend upon his leadership as well as the schools. EMEVI schools are scheduled to reopen February 8th. 3 Camps for refugees have been set up in St Marc and for this time Marcel feels the need to reach out to those still in Port-au-Prince. Requests continue to come in each day for help....
Please continue to lift up Marcel and those in Haiti in prayer, a few specifics are:

1. For physical strength and wisdom
2. To help those that the Lord leads him to
3. For his brother and the surgery
4. For the new couple living with Marcel

Still standing and in need, and life goes on... A chicken house to be built, foundation work at Bois Neuf, visits to the mountain churches/schools, going to the bank (can be an all day process), and the list goes on...

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