Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Cost of a Home

Volunteers, a few paid tradesmen, a family in need.  Families struggle to put a meal a day on their table so having a reliable roof over their head is pretty much a dream.  The transformation continues, one family or individual at a time as the body of Christ reaches out in tangible ways to help meet basic needs.  One gives from their abundance another through a labor of love, combine these and others' that pitch in and His body is encouraged to take another step. Funds for this home were provided by donors, Haitian volunteer workers with a few paid tradesmen are making a difference.  These homes cost $3945.00, basic yes with protection from the elements. Imagine how this family feels as well as others as they move from tents, tarps, living with relatives or just out in the open to a simple but sufficient home.  More are planned for the days ahead and the Lord continues to open the doors as He brings workers into these fields.  Please continue to pray, it does make a difference.

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