Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mountain Home

     High in the mountains of Haiti are many villages, this one being east and a bit south of St Marc.  Lepinard is home to a small mountain community where around 100 children come to school.  The community sits somewhere around 4000 feet in elevation below the peaks around that rise to over 4900 feet.  No roads, only trails, no power with the exception of a small generator at church, no running water, a spring under an hours walk away.  But cell phones yes, recharged as the generator purrs just outside on a Sunday morning.  Primitive sound system that runs off the generator for electric guitar, mic's, speakers and right next to them a "drum set" with a cymbal hanging from a rafter.  The drummer never missed a beat.  What a contrast with modern technology next to very primitive living conditions.  Bathroom, hum, wherever.  Looking to the north is a beautiful view of the valleys below and the mountain ridges to the south.  It's quite a climb from the "trail head" taking about 2 hours.  Common ground is found here as we worship, side by side with brothers and sisters in Christ.  Click on the picture or title for a few photos of this journey.  Interested in helping reach out to these brothers and sisters, let us know.

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