Friday, November 9, 2012

Leadership Conference

      The book of Hebrews in 3 days!  Could be like a drink from a fire hydrant.  Over 300 in attendance, representing 83 different churches from all over Haiti.

     37 attendees stayed at Bois Neuf, food was prepared for everyone in attendance by the volunteers and 16 young people helped with cleaning and logistics.

Hurricane Sandy disrupted the plans for many to come while 75 that were not registered showed up to fill in the void.

     Many homes were lost in the mountain area around Fond Baptist due to the hurricane and the current building at Bataille had it's walls washed away once again.  Looking to replace them now with metal roofing to hold things in place until the new building is completed.  Please pray for these folks as they once again gather the little they have and put up some type of shelter.
     Bouncing around here a bit, so, back to the conference.  A group stayed one extra night so Marcel took the opportunity to question them regarding what they had learned.  Easily they shared what was learned bringing much encouragement to Marcel.

Thank you for your prayers! for more information.

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