Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One At A Time

“So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.”  Genesis 6:23

Noah did what he was directed to do by God.  He didn’t debate, or excuse, or ramble.  He just did.  How?  One at a time.  One board at a time, one nail at a time, and one step at a time. 

This roof, built in 2010 was built one at a time.  One bucket at a time.  One person, handing off to another.  One at a time.  What has God put in your heart to do?  Are you debating the issue?  Are you overwhelmed at the enormous task?  Be comforted in knowing that God will hand it to you, one at a time.

By Mollie Bond

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One step at a time. We rarely see the whole process when we start a major project. I'm learning, I just need to know the next step and God'll take care of the rest=)