Wednesday, March 27, 2013


“I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work” (Nehemiah 2:18).
Until April 7, a group from Colorado is at Bois Neuf. For anyone who wants to go to Haiti, it begins with someone telling about the goodness of God. God speaks through the person telling you about their trip. Then, the Holy Spirit moves and stirs within the people who hear. They link arms and start rebuilding, doing the good work.

Are you listening? What good work might be getting your heart excited? What would you like to rebuild? A good place to start is sponsoring a child through Hope for Haiti. Visit The Children tab to start rebuilding a child’s future.

Or maybe you are hearing about the Colorado team. Another response to hearing is to pray. Will you join us and pray for the team, their health, and the people they will come in contact with today? We look forward to hearing about the gracious hand of God on them. Let’s rebuild together.

By Mollie Bond

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