Friday, June 8, 2012

 Hope for Haiti newsletter June 2012
     Leading right into Summer a group from Michigan will be heading to Haiti June 12th.
All it's takes is a small gesture to start something and we may never have a clue where it will lead. A few years ago a Colorado team purchased a few goats and delivered them to families in the Colmini area. Before long well over 30 families had received goats and beyond that a heard was started at the church/school there, with over 30 additional animals. Now what to do with all these animals as they have the desire to wander.
The word got out there was a need for a fence and simple shelter in this desert area for the animals. So, next week the work goes on as this Michigan team will be reaching out working alongside our friends there to keep these critters corralled.

From the desert to the mountains then to a river basin below. This trail you see was constructed in the past year + all by hand. A fellow from Tennessee visited and shared some trail building skills with the folks in Bataille. The project? Build a trail from the river basin to the top of the mountain allowing possibly a motorcycle or 4 wheeler (still looking for one of these) to be able to make the trip which in time would even allow the local motorcycle taxi's (called tap tap's) to make it up and down the mountain. Only one thing left, build a bridge. One ravine is still holding up the process so a Geotechnical Specialist in Dams has offered some suggestions. Fairly simple but labor intensive suggestions. Rock, rebar, concrete and culverts, I think I'll be gone that day! Pretty much all this will be hand carried a portion of the way which could be a couple miles! Some funding has come in for the team that will be visiting this August to lead a hand. Once completed it will open new doors for carrying produce to market as well as bringing home needed supplies. Lots more to that story and how we got this far... click here for more

Lot's more going on, consider this just a sampling.
– Radio interview with Moody Radio in Chicago
– Another team from Michigan heads to the mountains in July
– Colorado team visit's in July
– Medical Clinic's and training for EMEVI Nurse Vonie (Photo's click here)
– so, please pray for Marcel as his plate is very full.

Needs? Generator repairs on two machines, cistern for Fond Baptist, John Deere Gator : ), sponsors for children...

Thanks for being a blessing. So many of you contribute in ways that cannot be added up, it is appreciated!

Art Rousseau for Hope for Haiti

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